Sunday, April 17, 2022

Privacy, Online & Off

                                                              Privacy, Online, and Offline

We live in a modern world that revolves around technology no matter whether you like it or not. Everyone is connected in some way no matter where you are or what you are doing. The issues that were brought up in the Ted Talks affect everyone from yourself to your friends and family, heck even people you don't know everyone is being tracked even if they don't want to. Yes, some companies like Apple or Facebook have cracked down on privacy and made it harder for the government to access our texts, phone calls, FaceTimes, etc. It is a very divisive and interesting debate when it comes to privacy during the digital age, how far can government push the boundary, it is probably a debate that will never end. Because everyone's opinions are different when it comes to this.  

Odds are most people can see both sides of the argument but this is an extremely sensitive issue because you have to find the fine line and not cross it. It is a very tight tip rope that you have to walk. The laws are outdated too when it comes to the worldwide web from copyright, revenge porn, stalking, etc. There are some modern laws to help protect people but most laws are outdated like the copyrights laws. Every Youtuber or makes their living on the internet has faced an issue with the copyright laws. I can't think of one Youtuber I have watched who hasn't complained about the copyright laws in some way.  What I think the government should do is update their laws or reevaluate their laws when it comes to the internet. Also since it's called the world wide web create some laws that apply internationally because you could face a situation with someone who lives in a different country than you. Then when it comes to protecting ourselves you could get a VPN or these bigger tech companies like Apple need to put in better safeguards to protect people. Because most people don't give it a second thought or know how to protect their privacy. 

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