Monday, April 18, 2022

Living in the Age of AI

                                                              Living In The Age of AI

We live in a modern digital age where we are surrounded by technology that is changing the world unlike ever seen before. As society advances so does technology and there are more pros and cons for example if it wasn't for technology we wouldn't live as long as we do and a con is that we have lost our privacy.  If that isn't enough, people fear that technology may one day be smarter than us. In a Frontline PBS film, they discuss how in China people don't have to swipe cards or pay in cash all they have to do is put their face up to a camera and it recognizes them and it automatically charges them for whatever they are buying. Then you have Deep Learning that would mimic the neural network of the human brain, when they would test this they had the AI play games of Go and the AI won four of the five games.

As mentioned before when it comes to privacy, it has almost gone away because everyone has a digital footprint that can be traced. Even though some companies like Apple have gotten better at protecting their customers' privacy, they can still be tracked. It is a fine line to balance when it comes to privacy and when is it that you go too far. There have been plenty of stories where the world is run by AI, some good and some bad. When it comes to National Security there already is AI involved in it, governments use algorithms to track threats or to predict where an attack may happen. But who knows what the future holds for us, as society advances so will technology and AI, especially AIs we already have AIs that can act like humans. When it comes to online security and identity theft it is already happening today with how often people are getting hacked or how many robocalls, spam calls, spam texts, or spam emails that try to get your information. Even though we come up with ways to stop it people always seem to find a work around it. It is an ongoing battle that will probably never end.

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