Wednesday, March 16, 2022

The Supreme Court


I personally don't know much about the Supreme Court only really just the basics and some fun facts I have learned here and there but that's it. I do have a basic understanding of how our government operates but I don't follow politics unless something major happens. I did already know about the origin of the Supreme Court but I kind of forgot some of it to be completely honest. But when I was reading about the Supreme Court on it quickly came back to me.  I knew that the president is allowed to nominate someone to be on the Supreme Court and that the Supreme Court is the highest level of jurisdiction over the laws in the United States. I also knew that even though a lot of cases get sent to the Supreme Court not all of them actually make that only a handful do. Something surprising that I learned was that even though the Supreme Court was first assembled on February 2, 1790, they didn't make their first decision till August 3, 1791. But I guess for something like the Supreme Court it would take a while to figure out the court's organizational procedures. What I think is a big takeaway is that three Presidents have gone to the Supreme Court over trials of impeachment and that all three have been acquitted is kind of suspicious to me if you want to get all conspiratorial about our government.  Another thing I find interesting is that after over 200 years of the Supreme Court being around only 112 justices have served on it but then again I guess it makes sense for how long the terms are. What I took away from the video is that it reminded me of how slow our government is and that throughout most of the Court's existence that not many minorities or women have served on the court.  


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