Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Post #1 My Top 5 News Sources

Nowadays you get news instantaneously from many different sources that may or may not be reliable. Or if the stories themselves are real or fake or have been altered to fit an agenda.  I don’t follow the news unless something pops up in my feed or it’s some big event like Russia invading Ukraine or how gas prices have skyrocketed but that’s kind of it. The only times I only really see an actual news channel is when I visit my grandparents and they are watching Fox News but that’s it even my brother, mom, and dad don’t follow the news. But I would say my top 5 main new sources are from social media mainly or if someone tells me something but that’s it.



#1 Instagram

         Throughout the day I check Instagram it’s one of the main social media platforms I use. I have been using Instagram since 2015. That’s where I get most of the news for things I am interested in like movies, tv shows, and video games. But I occasionally get real news that is posted by people I follow. Like I follow a lot of celebrities and some of them post about things in the news and about charities to help support those in need. It also helps that a lot of the news feeds are quick, they are almost the cliff notes of the story, so you get a general sense of what the story is.


#2 YouTube

         This is another place where I spend a lot of time and I subscribe to a lot of channels that follow the entertainment industry one them I watch daily which is how I keep on top of the news and know what is going on in the industry. I also subscribe to a lot of gaming news channels that follow the gaming news and one of them sometimes talks about news going on in the world during his live streams. But whenever I open YouTube, they have a section of videos from news sources across the world and they are short videos about the news.



#3 Snapchat


         Definitely not my go-to place for news but when I check out my friend’s stories, I will see news when I am using app most of the news on there is usually just stupid celebrity drama, but they will occasionally have real new stories.




#4 Friends


         Another place where I get my news is from friends when they tell me things that they heard about. Also, I am part of HPU Vision and that is where I will hear about news going on around the world and the campus. But I don’t trust everything I hear from people I take some of it with a grain of salt there are only a few people who. I would say are reliable sources.



#5 Apple News

         A place that will occasionally notify me of the news is the news app on my iPhone that is Apple News which pulls news stories from all different news sources and the app you can find stories that cover everything. I don’t open the app too often, but the app will notify me of news if something big happens or it will notify me of the news from the past couple of days.

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