Thursday, April 7, 2022

EOTO Response

                                                                         The Television 

There were a lot of presentations that I enjoyed and almost everyone I learned something new but the one that I found the most interesting was the one about television. Even though I had to help my parents set up their new TVs over the weekend and I know a decent amount of things about modern televisions but I realized I don't know that much about the origin and history of the television. 

I never really knew who invented the television or that it was three different people who worked together and invented the television, Vladimir Zworkin, Philo Farnsworth, and John Logie Baird. But when the presenter mentioned that there is a debate about who actually invented the television didn't surprise me at all. The other thing that I did guess was the fact that the television was invented so there would be faster communication and also for entertainment. Whenever there is any groundbreaking invention like the television it completely changes society news traveled at speeds that it had never traveled at before and it also made it way more convenient. It also opened a whole world of mass communication and it connected people across the world unlike anything ever seen before. I have always loved learning fun facts about things so I found the fun fact about how it is believed that the television helped John F. Kennedy beat Richard Nixon in the presidential race because the presidential debate between the two of them was televised.   

For as long as I can remember there has been an ongoing debate about television and how it affects someone's mental health or how influential can TV be. Personally, I am torn when it comes to these two debates because I kind of see both sides of the argument. I believe that it is up to each person they are educated on what they are watching or what they are showing to an audience or someone.

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