Tuesday, April 5, 2022




    To answer one of the questions I have never heard of either of these two sites Anti War or The American Conservative.  We live in a world today where the only news that people want to hear is news that agrees with what they believe in and that all the other new sources that say the opposite of what they believe is regarded as either fake news or it is some aggressive agenda that is trying to push a false narrative. There are people out there who if you disagree with them on anything, especially politics for whatever reason people will take that as an insult or personal attack. Everyone knows someone who is like that no matter what side of the political spectrum they side on.  Today people are extremely quick to point fingers at the other party and blame them for ruining the country just because they either have a D or R next to their name. It is a tribalistic trait that is part of being human that we want to be part of a group that our beliefs aline with. It's almost sad the mess that the political landscape has become today.


At a quick first glance at these two sites,  I thought they were your stereotypical political websites but if you take the time to explore the sites and dig deeper into them you will notice there is more to them than what you think. Anti War is a hub of articles and blogs that are more focused on information than the political system. American Conservative isn't shy either about which party they side with either. Even though both sites are not shy about which side of the political spectrum they side with. 


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